A jury has just awarded a family more than $130M in a medical malpractice suit after a young boy suffered a brain injury as a result of negligence, the lawsuit alleges.
The family asserts that the hospital’s preventable medical mistake led to the then 2-month old boy being deprived of oxygen to his brain, and developing cerebral palsy. According to court documents, the boy was born prematurely, but healthy, with a mild swelling of the kidneys requiring follow-up. At the follow-up appointment 2 weeks later, hospital staff had difficulty establishing an IV line, and once established, the boy’s condition changed dramatically. Despite the mother’s attempts to report he was turning blue, hospital staff failed to immediately call for a code blue, check for a pulse or provide chest compressions. As a result of these failures of protocol, the family asserted that the boy suffered a lack of oxygen and blood to his brain, and now has cerebral palsy. The jury agreed and awarded the family $130M to go towards a lifetime of medical care.
While California limits non-economic damages in birth injury and medical malpractice cases to $250,000, often depriving victim’s justice, awards may cover damages such a lost future wages, and the cost of providing medical care and therapy for a lifetime.
For more information or if you believe you or a loved one suffered harm as a result of a preventable medical mistake, please contact the dedicated Los Angeles Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Bostwick & Peterson, LLP for an immediate consultation.